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Minister of Music Position


  • Full time position;

  • Must be a Christian;

  • Preferred experience and music degree;

  • Able to play by ear, read music and train voices;

  • Be diverse in music genre (piano & organ), hymns, and contemporary;

  • Ability to work with small and large groups;

  • Supervise the music department. 

Purpose: To oversee and coordinate the music ministry of Friendship Missionary Baptist Church and to lead a ministry that includes praise teams, choirs, and various music programs.


Accountability: The Minister of Music must hold the entire music department accountable spiritually, musically, and administratively.


Requirements: A solid Christian character, knowledge of the role and use of music in worship, competency in directing choirs utilizing a variety of musical styles; vital planning and organizational skills; have excellent interpersonal and team-building skills; and an ability to recruit and work well with volunteers and call forth musical gifts in others.


Primary Responsibilities:


• Manage band rehearsals

• Provide Services on Sundays @ 10 am

• Potentially provide Services on Wednesday’s @ 7 pm

• Funerals

• Outings with church/Pastor

Direct Music Program:

• Must be able to play both piano and organ.

• Must be able to lead the choir and teach a wide range of repertoire that’s appropriate for all ensembles.

• Must be able to connect with youth, adults, and seniors.

• Must be able to lead and train vocally for choral traditional, hymns, contemporary, and praise and worship.

• Must be able to conduct and train others to conduct. • Must be able to train lead singers vocally.

• Recruit for all choirs.

Collaboration with Pastor and Board of Deacons:

• Spend quality time with the pastor to learn his heart, passion, and desired direction of worship.

• Participate in pastor/staff meetings and assist the pastor in any capacity.

• Submit to the church office titles of musical selections and other information for inclusion into the worship service.


• Arranges for and prepares music components for special worship programs and regular liturgical celebration services (e.g., MLK, Black History, Christmas, Easter, etc.), which may vary.

• Good administrative skills with the ability to organize and give attention to detail.

• Adhere to organization doctrines, by-laws, policies, and procedures. Cooperate with Church, Staff, and leaders. Be flexible and work well with others in a team setting.

• Prepares with assistance from the choir presidents and music staff members an annual music budget reflecting the needs of the entire music program. Administers the budget once the church approves it.

• Continue to grow professionally as a church musician; keep informed and abreast of current church music developments, materials, promotional ideas, and administrative techniques.

• In consultation with the Board of Trustees, arrange for the tuning and maintenance of music-related equipment.

• Monitor the purchasing, maintenance, and replacement of all music-related equipment, supplies, and instruments.

• Ensure compensation for guest musicians as stated in the Annual Budget.

• Submit an Annual Budget for the Annual Budget Meeting.

• Direct music program.

Education and Experience:

• Experience in leading a congregation in public musical worship, with a commitment to professional development (i.e., training and continued education).

• Demonstrates knowledge of a wide variety of musical styles and teaches these varying styles to the choir. Flexible related to styles, innovations, and methods; these styles must include traditional and contemporary worship music.

• Advanced musical proficiency in piano across various styles with the superior ability to instruct in vocal techniques and communicate and teach parts effectively to identified choir members with intermediate to advanced musical skills.

• An exceptionally skilled communicator, effective at listening and discerning team and individual.

Professional Growth and Spiritual Development:

• Continuation to grow professionally as a church musician.

• Hold the entire music ministry accountable to attending a teaching ministry.

• A growing, committed relationship with Jesus Christ that is evidenced by a strong prayer life, a life of worship, and a lifestyle of honor and obedience to God’s word.

• A teachable, humble spirit with a prepared and eager heart to serve.

• A sincere conviction that God has planted her/him at Friendship Missionary Baptist Church and a solid commitment to actively support the vision and direction of our church and this specific ministry.

• An evident calling, quality training, and sincere passion to minister to the church through Spirit-led worship. 

Send or Email Resume to:

Friendship Missionary Baptist Church

ATTN: Personnel Committee

(Minister of Music)

PO Box 1149

Fayetteville, NC 28302




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Monday - Thursday: 9am - 3pm
Friday: 9am - 12pm
Closed: Holidays


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